Little Boy Of The Mountain P
Presently he felt his entire body was being stuck by tiny pins, as though blood was returning to limbs that had been uncomfortably positioned for too long.
All was then grey and shadowy, though he felt a bright light was shining on him. He had stopped spinning and falling, but all sense of place and surroundings was lost to him.
There was a strange breeze, however, that he felt across his body--. No. Not his body - he could not feel any sensations from his body.
There was a rumble from within his mind, and this ramped up into a shimmering piercing high-pitched pain that did not hurt.
He noticed the ringing in his ears had become a buzzing, and then the buzzing became a loud droning sound, and the droning seemed slowly to transform into whispered chanting.
The serpent was speaking words that seemed to flash quick images in his mind. He focused, trying to perceive the shape and meaning...
The sounds appeared to be repeating, but it took what seemed an age and many repetitions to bring clarity to them.
Finally, he heard.
Ahriash, son of Kepheiriet - Bashaqwarh, son of Ahriash - Cethryhesh, son of Bashaqwarh - Drasthynger, son of Cethryhesh - Erutsarhu, son of Drasthynger - Faisahall, son of Erutsarhu - Galamagraha, son of Faisahall - Hrusheth, son of Galamagraha - Ihmera, son of Hrusheth - Jruamyrthaen, son of Ihmera - Kalthundra, son of Jruamyrthaen - Lyrnaethlad, son of Kalthundra - Mbushidri, son of Lyrnaethlad - Nunreiadha, son of Mbushidri - Oshthedhi, son of Nunreiadha - Paemryth, son of Oshthedhi - Qirrahaetha—