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Fairyland Specification

The Declaration of Fairyland

Fairyland ('The True Metaverse') has always existed. It is accessed through the mind's eye, prompted by imaginative and personalized storytelling.

The Metaverse is the Web of Wyrd, the network of association stored in your brain and that of others - it is the cultural fabric, the neural net of Society and of Nature (and some would say, of God). You experience it when you walk down the street, or when you open a book, watch a movie, play a video game, or go to church. The Metaverse, or Fairyland, is where the so-called 'real world' touches myth and legend - that place where the map is the territory, and the name has being. You share it when you tell a story to a co-worker, or read a bed-time tale to your children, or recount strange events around a campfire.

People travelled the metaverse long before there were 'screens' or 'VR goggles'.

Here is a dappled forest:


Did you see it?

Travelling the metaverse is to participate in a presentation, story, lesson, social activity, or any other interactive experience undertaken by an individual or a group - be they together under the same tree, or in the same room (and unaided by modern 'technology'), or far apart, making use of advanced remote communications tools.

A session in the Metaverse is either a) a solo imaginarium, b) an experience shared amongst equals, or c) run by a master of ceremonies and/or a number of different functionaries.

The metaverse is 'meta' (ie. 'para', above or to the side - that is, full of anagrams and puns, allegories and extended metaphors), and it is a 'verse' (ie. made of poetry and scripture).

It's a wordplay.

The Metaverse is extended Metaphors.

    Meta.Verse ---> Advanced.Poetry / Multilayered.Scripture 

    Meta.Verse ---> Verse about Verse (commentary, exegesis)

(The) Definition of Fairyland

The True Metaverse begins with the Word (ie. Logos).

This imaginative world, be it personal, or shared, is augmented with elements of the 'real world' to varying degrees; and so too perhaps (since humanity insists) by the use of internet services of various levels of capability and presentation styles: from basic text descriptions, to images and video; from cartoons to realistic animated 3D displays, games (mini-games) and AR/VR (airy-fairy) worlds. etc.

However, any printed book, or map, or physical object - real or imaginary - can be a part of the metaverse (or 'your' metaverse). Any video game, movie, sci-fi concept, cinematic universe, folk tale, occult lore, or religious knowledge can find it's way into your Metaverse. Just import it into your mental space, and it's done. Take it off the shelf and put it on the table, so that all those seated can observe it.

Just say 'Elephant', and it is there in the room. All the participants will see it. If someone does not see it, or does not know what an elephant is, you can show them a picture, and use the power of language, that is spell-casting, to describe it to them. Or you could quit your zoom meeting and go to a zoo meeting.

'Society' has always been the metaverse: a vast fractal structure - a million points, all pointing to one point: the point.

Every street sign and marketing billboard is a window into the metaverse.

Every letter of every word of that billboard is a window into the metaverse.

What makes the metaverse meta is that is it an ever-growing multi-dimensional structure. An edifice of imagination, a tesseract built of pop-culture references upon literary reference upon biblical reference upon historical references. It is an endless array of rabbit holes, infinitely deep.

If you open your mouth to speak, you spread the metaverse, echoing it anew.

The True Metaverse exists to combat The Nothing.

The enemy of The Metaverse is Nihilism, or 'The Devil'.

The true metaversal artist is he or she that constructs a kabbalistic monolith: an endless structured experience that subsumes all others, that can be entered from anywhere at any time, traversed in any direction... and that eventually leads the protagonist who runs it's gauntlet towards enlightenment and goodness.

When you post on social media, you add to the metaverse. If you spraypaint graffiti in an alleyway, you add to the metaverse. If you build a house, you add to the metaverse. If you have a child, you add to the metaverse.

One might create a personal demi-plane within the metaverse. This is a Domain. Your Domain might be within another Domain (your bedroom might be in the house of another; a sub-reddit is a demi-region within reddit), your Youtube channel is within Youtube's domain [and Google is owned by Alphabet]).

Powers-that-be are trying to convince you that the metaverse requires 'computer hardware' and 'headsets' and 'smartphones' and handing over your fingerprint and iris scan to nebulous third parties. They are having you shun passwords for passkeys, but this is an in-joke. They are trying to convince you that the metaverse is a corporate enterprise, and an enabler of the 'office' and of 'work' and progress - that it is a 'technological enterprise' leading us to a future of wonders ... and this is all true, however those words are metaphors (meat-fires).

In the true metaverse, there is no centralized identity authority, but there may be ID silos offering avatar/profile storage and serving etc. As a Master of Ceremonies or metaversal pilgrim, simply learn to remember names and faces, instead of having the 'computer' do it for you. To experience the glory of 'presence', look another in the eye, and hold their hand. If there must be identity silos, then better to set up your own, for those that would seek to hold your identity desire rather to hoard your soul.

Either way, a traveller of the metaverse ('user' or 'player') entering a new Domain chooses a nom-de-plume (an assumed name) under which they will travel, along with various descriptors. The Domain (if internet-based) receives these pieces of data via a web form or url parameters, and these values are subsequently maintained via cookies or localhost storage mechanisms... otherwise, these things are kept in the mind and memory of the Master of Ceremonies, and the other participants, if any.

There is no expectation that anything 'material' (or digital, or virtual) accessed, manipulated, gained or won, in one domain, can be transferred to another. Victories are won in a certain realm. One cannot take one's bank vault with one into heaven. The desire to have your 'identity' and 'possessions' move with you from one metaversal domain to another leads to centralization and tyranny, as does the expectation or desire of using ones' "real name" or 'identification'. Moreover, what is to say that your manifestation in any particular Domain will conform to your particular notion or preference of 'bodily representation' or 'look' or 'race' or 'gender'?. While visiting my metaversal Domain, for example, you might be a glowing green orb by default, and only become a glowing gold orb if you achieve certain goals (and perhaps no other form is possible while visiting). The fact that you appear as Princess Peach in that domain over there run by metaverse proprietor XYX matters not to me.

There is no purchasing or commerce (or e-commerce) built into the True Metaverse. These business pacts are to be seen as localized value-adds (so-called), offered by a Domain, or affiliated set of Domains, with separate domain-specific 'accounts' that may or may not align with one's nom de plume. There is no expectation that items 'bought' in these domains can be seamlessly transferred to others. This would be to force other domains to conform to a standard, and that is known as 'conforming'.

Some Domains are public, some are private, some require payment to partake, and others' do not. Any public information is free game for integration into your personal metaversal 'instance', any movie character, fairy tale plot, role-playing game magic spell or monster description - all these you can import into your play-space, be it your personal fantasy, or a shared social event or experience.

The point is to create and present experiences that provide... useful experience. To keep the story from expiring, and to inspire humanity to greatness (and responsibility; and... accountability).

In Tolkienian terms, the Metaverse is 'The Pot'. The magic cauldron of Story. It is Faery, or Fairyland. It is the foundation of Society and 'Religion'. It is your own Hero's Journey. You've always lived in the Metaverse.

See also:

Notes/Terminology: (in terms of Internet-based implement of a Metaverse Domain)

Web Domain --> 'Domain': Universe, World, Realm or Demiplane; or a Constellation of Worlds

Web Page/URL --> Location (provides description and imagery), a Space to inhabit; or a description of, or information about, an Object, or Entity, or Action, Activity, or Effect.

Username --> Nom de Plume (non-unique, public; foundation of 'stat'-based interaction)

Stats ('vital statistics')--> From [username + species/type] distillation, hp/mana from url query, or custom, via form.

Persistence --> Handled with Cookies or LocalStorage (per domain, no expectation of persistence across sites, or even locations)


This document was first published here.

These documents and the material at this site is copyright (c) 2023 Orpherischt