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Beginning VI-1

"You asked a Question that brought you here," he replied quickly. "That question is everything. Everything and nothing. But you might spend some time pondering it. You never know how important a question can be."

He looked at me ardently - seemingly he expected a speedy and considered response. But before I could think of a suitable reply, he continued:

"But you said that you were confused. Confused. A very interesting word, that one. Always remember it contains 'fused'. That is important. So too the 'con' that begins it. Double-edged. But it means 'together'. Fused together. That is what 'confused' means, at least, in part."

"Right." I replied. "I am sure I will never forget it, good sir".

"It is your Question sends you on your Quest," he said in a low voice.

"But what of this mansion, sir, I...?" - but it was clear I would get no more out of him. He dismissed me, informing me that his fishing day was over, and that he had other important business to attend to.

"You will find, I think, some answers to your Question down yonder, south-westward, if you follow the stream."

He packed his things into a large shoulder bag and began walking eastward and uphill. I stood and watched him go. He left only his creaky riverside bench.

Go downstream