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Beginning III

But the light begins to fade as you hurry along the trail - it will soon be twilight - and this shift brings another old work of dark poetry to mind, a remembrance and ward against careless folly:

The Wyes in the Road

There creeps a Monster in The Words -

Which being Language of the Birds,

contains a Singleton of Terror -

a Worm that makes it worse.

To read between the lines

is to peer through the Abyss:

One finds within an Error

... Yea, an Elemental Curse.


For those that seeketh Light

within the darkest Fort of Night,

know that ardent search for Truth

leadeth one perforce to Rite

wherein which one is measured

by the Dark Elves of the Court, where

whispered spell by shaft be-feathered

.. shall be lodged within thy heart.


The door to ancient knowledge

of the Ways that came before -

the secrets of that Village

lying hid 'oer yonder shore -

which ever strive to show themselves,

for they cannot right be said,

shall find a way yet, nonetheless,

.. to slip inside thy head.


Evoking ancient blasphemies

that lie within the book

that is writ by dark epiphanies

received when Earth was shook

by the Glory of the Oeuvre

that no Witness may rebuke:

for thine Arrow from it's quiver loosed

.. is fixed within the Rock.


Perhaps he that once did scoff at word

that pertains to Pearls and Swine,

Comes to see he underestimates

the Weight of Lore Divine, that, yet

though writ before and Everywhere,

the Knowledge of the Last,

cannot right be told to him

.. whose mind lays idle in repast.


The Revelators of the World -

yea, those that seek and teach,

shall trouble find upon the road

that leadeth to the breach

through which a final light emergeth

from the Temple and the Sietch:


For the number of The Number

when the score is written down,

matches that of the Unspeakable:

the meaning of the Crown.

.. .. ... A1A ... .. ..

 —  Örpherischt, 19 January, 2020, at 19:47 pm UTC..

I persevere.